Purim Poems

5 -  Over the Rainbow
Rainbows arrive when grey skies disappear,
Only to bring happiness, smiles, and cheer.
You are invited to come up, up, and away,
Given a balloon on this Purim day.
Be filled with joy, 'cause long ago, it's true
In Shushan, "ora, simcha, sasson, ve-yikar" had every Jew,
Ve-kayn teheye lanu, and Chag Sameach to you!

6 - Tea with Milk and Honey
On Purim we remember the destruction of evil,
Which is especially important in this time of upheaval.
Eretz Yisrael’s current situation,
Has torn at the hearts of our Jewish nation.
So we wanted to offer some “tea and sympathy,”
By soothing our souls with milk and honey.
Our Mishloah Manot is filled with nosh,
In honor of Eretz zavat chalav u’devash!
Products from Israel this package contains,
With hopes of their economy we can help to sustain.
May this Purim be happy and filled with joy,
And may we see once again our enemies destroyed.
Chag Sameach!

7 - Baby, Baby, Baby!
Oh baby, baby, baby! That’s all we seem to see, 
We guess that’s what happens when babies come in threes. 
Our idea for this year’s theme was really quite plain, 
As you can see by what the package contains.
 In our Mishloach Manot we are happy to provide, 
Three “Baby” items, Three Musketeers, & Hamantaschen with three sides.
Now we can guess you are seeing triple too, 
So we end with Happy Purim to You! 

8 - Around the U.S.
Ready for a trip around the U.S.? We've included some snacks for you to ess.
Every item links to a state on this tour,Some are easy, some more obscure.
We've included a map to help you out,So you'll get them all - without a doubt.
Good luck, enjoy, and have lots of fun, We hope your Purim is a happy one!

9- Cows
Enjoy the MOOshloach Manot! Chag SaMOOach!From Our Herd to Yours

10 - M & Ms

Many Mini _______s as “M”s attired,

Made our Minds Mull the Menu ‘till Mired.

Multitudes of Mini “MMunchies Mob our

Mishloach Manot for you,

Much Mighty wishes for a

Most Merry Purim too!


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