Nachas Alert

Every once and a while, one of the Trips says or does something completely out of the blue that makes us think that we are getting some value from the exorbitant tuition.

Last night, I was looking for a smaller pocketbook to take to a shul sisterhood event (instead of the monster mombag that I take to work, etc.) I asked A to "Do a Mitzvah" for Mommy and see if it was hanging on my closet door. Usually one to be happy to help on tasks like this, this time A dawdled, hemmed, hawed, and basically didn't do it.

C says to me, "Mommy, I have something to tell you." He make me lean down so he can whisper something in my ear. On the first listen, I knew he was telling me that A needed something, but I couldn't decipher what that thing was! I was thinking "Yeah, a fire under her little tush..."

Well, in a manner of speaking so was he. We were finally able to figure out that C was saying that A needed Zrizus (Zrezut)!!

I asked him if he had it, and he RAN upstairs and got me my bag.

HUGE nachas.


Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

really cute, it's nice to shep nachas out of them!

I like how you nicknamed them the "trips". I've babysat triplets for a while and I always called them "the triplets" haven't thought of a shorter name. They were also 2 girls and a boy.

How old are your trips?

Trip'n Mommy said...

The Trips are 4 (and 3/4! Can't forget the VERY important 3/4!!)

Jewish Side of Babysitter said...

o, right, now I remember you had mentioned their age before on a tweet. Because you mentioned the 3/4, it stayed with me.

Cute age! It's amazing how mature 4 year olds seem compared to 3 year olds!

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